Interesting, I wasn't aware of that - thanks for the heads up! I knew 

Telx, 60 Hudson Street was consider to be an alternative to TH 25B at the time 
(approx 24 months ago), as mentioned by a few others in this thread.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 19 April 2012 21:14
To: Pierce Lynch;
Subject: RE: Colocation in New York for a POP

The Telehouse 25 Broadway facility (last I heard) is currently planned to be 
shut down by somewhere around June 2013 if I remember correctly... so you'll 
want to keep that in mind. They have plenty of other options including a new 
facility and other existing ones as well as other colo providers in the area 
(Equinix, Telx, etc.). There are lots of choices. "Best" is relative to your 
specific requirements which is why there is competition. :)


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