Any details on how much this cost, maybe I just missed it in the article. 40k. 
It sounds interesting but in the US this would only make sense in cities and 
most people don't live in MDUs. Where I live a lot of peoples driveways are a 
mile or two long.

Marcel Plug <> wrote:

This article from arstechnica is right on topic. Its about how the
city of Amsterdam built an open-access fibre network. It seems to me
this is the right way to do it, or at least very close to the right


On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:35 PM, <> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 14:18:26 -1000, Michael Painter said:
>> "The indication of above average or below average is based on a comparison 
>> of the actual test result to the current NTIA
>> definition of broadband which is 768 kbps download and 200 kbps upload. Any 
>> test result above the NTIA definition is
>> considered above average, and any result below is considered below average."
> That's the national definition of "broadband" that we're stuck with.  To show
> how totally cooked the books are, consider that when they compute "percent of
> people with access to residential broadband", they do it on a per-county basis
> - and if even *one* subscriber in one corner of the county has broadband, the
> entire county counts.

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