On Mar 23, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Paul Graydon wrote:

> On 03/23/2012 02:18 PM, Michael Painter wrote:
>> Randy Bush wrote:
>>> what a silly question.  lining the telcos' pockets.  american so called
>>> 'broadband' is a joke and a scam.
>>> randy
>> Really.  This is from the Governor's "Hawaii Broadband Initiative" speedtest 
>> website:
>> "The indication of above average or below average is based on a comparison 
>> of the actual test result to the current NTIA definition of broadband which 
>> is 768 kbps download and 200 kbps upload. Any test result above the NTIA 
>> definition is considered above average, and any result below is considered 
>> below average."
> To be fair to the initiative at least its goal is for universal access to 
> 1Gbps by 2018, something they term 'ultra-high-speed' (not sure where that 
> definition comes from): http://hawaii.gov/gov/broadband-policy-outline/
> Paul

Yep... That's I think the problem...

Back when the initiative documents were written, 1Gbps was ulra-high-speed and 
768/200k was average broadband. There is no provision for the terms to shift 
over time, so, the document gets more and more out of date as time goes by.

I suspect that by 2018, 1Gbps will probably be above average, but, not by as 
much as the document probably thinks.


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