> >> "We have a contractual relationship with our customer to announce
> that space.  We have neither a contractual relationship (in this
> context) with the RIR nor the RIR's customer.  The RIR and/or the RIR's
> customer should resolve this issue with our customer."
> > Contracts are generally not a valid reason to be breaking laws.
> Which law?
> Regards,
> -drc

Let's say I had a business in space in a building I was leasing at 100 Main 
Street, Podunk, USA.  Now let's say you didn't renew the lease so I moved to a 
building up the block but put the 100 Main Street address on my new location 
and continued to use that address for my business.

Or let's say I operated a TV station on channel 37 that was allocated to you 
but you terminate my operating contract.  So I lease/erect a new transmitter 
and continue broadcasting on channel 37.

There obviously must be a remedy for two parties attempting to utilize the same 
resource at the same time, particularly when one party is the rightfully in 
control of that resource's use.  It might be civil rather than criminal but the 
rightful owner of the resource would have a good case.

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