Once upon a time, George Bonser <gbon...@seven.com> said:
> Let's say I had a business in space in a building I was leasing at 100 Main 
> Street, Podunk, USA.  Now let's say you didn't renew the lease so I moved to 
> a building up the block but put the 100 Main Street address on my new 
> location and continued to use that address for my business.

That's covered under trespassing laws.

> Or let's say I operated a TV station on channel 37 that was allocated to you 
> but you terminate my operating contract.  So I lease/erect a new transmitter 
> and continue broadcasting on channel 37.

That's covered under FCC regulations on use of public spectrum.

AFAIK there's no law covering the use of what party X considers their 32
bit numbers (assigned by party A) by party Y.

Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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