On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 20:48:45 EST, Barry Shein said:
> >> I just had a personal email from a brand new ISP in the Asia-Pacific
> >> area desperately looking for enough IPv4 to be able to run their
> >> business the way they would like?
> This sniping elicited by the above seems inappropriate and
> unprofessional, the request/anecdote seemed reasonable and could
> elicit solutions such as partnerships, etc.

No Barry, I respectfully disagree.  It's almost 2012.  The first predictions of
IPv4 exhaustion were made *last century*.  We've been predicting it to the
month level for like 5 years now.  Any business that is making business plans
and models that doesn't take "we may not get IPv4 space" into account and have
a contingency plan for that *deserves* to be soundly mocked and ridiculed in

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