Here's some real data for those interested.  It seems a quick view seems many 
TATA <-> Level3 and TATA <-> GBLX sets of instability.

Combined with the overall update levels seen over that 30 minutes, we saw 
~1.566M updates at route views.

Compared with the 24h prior (2011.11.06 14:15 as reference) we see ~17-20x the 
updates in the same time period.  Now take your control plane and make it work 
17-20x as hard, and you can see why we had some even general instability.

I don't have better tools for doing a more detailed analysis at this time, but 
this should get you started in talking to others about what happened.  (There 
were no stand-out prefixes for this time-period, they all had about the same 
number of updates per prefix).

   42041 20111106.1415.out
  727711 20111107.1400.out
  838894 20111107.1415.out

2011.11.07 14:15 datafile - Most updates/as-path (complete as seen @ rviews)
4563  3549 3356
3172  3549 3356 11492
2912  8492 3356 6453 4755
2729  812 6453 4755
2695  3549 6453 14080 10620
2504  3549 3356 11492 11492 11492
2421  3549 3356 7029
2362  3356 209 721 27064
2244  3356 209 20115
2130  3356 209 22561
2044  7018 6453 14080 10620
2000  3356 209
1934  3549 3356 2907
1909  3356 15412 18101
1821  3549 6453 4755
1807  3356 6453 4755
1660  8492 3356 174
1634  3549 3356 18566
1619  3549 3356 4837 17623
1617  7018 6453 4755
1581  2497 6453 7545 7545 7545
1496  8492 3356 209 721 27064
1478  2497 6453 4755
1437  8492 8928 3356 11492 11492 11492
1427  3356 3549 3216 8402
1395  3356 701 19262
1362  8492 3356 209 20115
1357  3549 7843 7843 7843 10796
1336  3549 3356 6830 6830 6830
1259  2497 3356
1238  3356 9498
1229  812 6453 14080 10620
1229  3356 6453 14080 10620
1221  3356 9121 42926
1220  3549 3356 29314
1203  3549 3356 680 680 680 680 680
1194  2497 3356 5650 7011
1165  2497 3356 9498
1151  8001 4436 7843 10796
1150  3549 3356 15412 18101 18101 18101 18101 17803
1106  8492 3356 6762 7303
1105  3549 3356 55410 45528
1098  3549 3356 15412 18101 17803
1073  3549 7843 7843 7843
1072  3549 3356 7713 17974
1069  3549 3356 15290
1041  3356 3549
1032  3549 3356 11992
1030  3356 4323
1021  3549 6453 7843 11351
1020  8492 8928 3356 7843 11351
1016  2497 3356 11492
1014  3356 2907
1011  7018 3356 2907

2011.11.07 14:00 datafile - Most updates/as-path (complete as seen @ rviews)
3894  3356 6453 4755
3504  3549 3356
2930  812 6453 4755
2793  3549 6453 4755
2254  3549 3356 11492 11492 11492
2235  812 6453 14080 10620
1826  2497 6453 4755
1795  3549 3356 7029
1753  3356 3549
1689  7018 6453 14080 10620
1653  812 6453 4755 17488
1649  3549 3356 18566
1613  2497 3356
1568  3549 3356 6830 6830 6830
1496  7018 6453 4755
1419  3549 6453 14080 10620
1394  3356 701 19262
1389  3356 9121 42926
1382  3549 3356 21565
1293  3549 6453 4755 17488
1252  3549 3356 13407
1188  2497 3356 5650 7011
1156  7018 6453 4755 17488
1154  3356 6453 14080 10620
1127  3356 701 3216 8402
1106  8492 9002 3549 6762 7303
1104  3549 3356 4837 17623
1049  39756 3356 7018
1048  39756 3257 7018
1035  2497 6453 7713 17974
1008  3356 3320

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