On 11/7/11 08:37 , Jared Mauch wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Richard Golodner wrote:
>> On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 11:09 -0500, Todd Snyder wrote:
>>> Can anyone point to any authoritative updates about this?
>>      I think Jared's suggestion was about as close as your going to get for
>> right now. Look at the size of the files he mentioned as compared to the
>> average size of the others.
>>      Hopefully someone will come forth with an authoritative answer later
>> today.
>>      Richard Golodner
> One can do some analysis of the files to determine what prefixes and 
> autonomous
> system neighbors were impacted.
> I can do some of this as I have some other tools that quickly process this 
> data
> if people are interested.   Please send those replies/votes off list to me 
> directly.

according to my peakflow the level-3 update spike was from ~1408 utc to
~1424 utc.

> - Jared

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