On Sep 17, 2011, at 1:41 PM, Randy Bush wrote: >>> Yes. If you want PI space, you have to start off with PA space, >>> utilize it, and then apply for PI space and an AS #, with contracts >>> demonstrating your intention to multihome. Then, you have to >>> *migrate* off the PA space and surrender it back to the 'owner'. You >>> cannot get further PI allocations until you've done this. >> The ARIN community is easily it's own worst enemy. > > the arin policy weenie industry is one of the internet's worst enemies
Randy - I have absolutely no doubt that there are sufficient folks participating in NANOG to get nearly any policy desired through the ARIN policy process. To the extent that folks don't care to learn the current policies and participate in the policy development process, they end up supporting the current policies through their inaction. /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN