On May 14, 2011, at 12:47 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

> Matthew Kaufman <matt...@matthew.at> writes:
>>> My Desktop is not able to make any IPv4 socket connections anymore.  I get
>>> "Protocol not supported". So there are IPv6-only users, already bitten by
>>> no AAAA.  So that's -1 from me.
>> Sounds to me like you're not on The Internet any more.
> in <http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/2001-04/msg00294.html> we see:
> (*2)    Q: But what IS the Internet?
>        A: "It's the largest equivalence class in the reflexive, transitive,
>        symmetric, closure of the relationship 'can be reached by an IP
>        packet from'". Seth Breidbart
> by which definition, matthew's observation would be correct.  folks who want
> to run V6 only and still be "on the internet" will need proxies for a long
> while.  folks who want to run V6 only *today* and not have any proxies *today*
> are sort of on their own -- the industry will not cater to market non-forces.

I think that the real question is, when will people who are running IPv4 only 
not be on the Internet by this
definition ?


> -- 
> Paul Vixie

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