On May 8, 2011, at 11:54 PM, Franck Martin wrote: > http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/ipv6/general/ipv6-05.html > "Will IPv6 become a permanent change on June 8, 2011? > No. World IPv6 day is a 24-hour trial period in which we will publish our > content on both the IPv4 and IPv6 servers. Yahoo! is participating in order > to help prepare our services (as well as your hardware) to help ensure a > smooth transition for when the IPv4 addresses run out. " > > Huh… I thought IPv4 addresses had run out already…. > > At IANA level and now for anyone in the AP region at least.
IANA is out of IPv4. APNIC is into their austerity policy which covers their entire last /8. RIPE-NCC is probably next and I expect they will likely run out next month. I suspect ARIN's free pool will probably last until October-ish, give or take. LACNIC and AfriNIC are kind of wildcards. If consumption remains within their regions, they probably have addresses for some time. If organizations from the other regions start pillaging their address space, it could evaporate in weeks, depending on how they react. Owen