On May 9, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Arie Vayner wrote:

> Actually, I have just noticed a slightly more disturbing thing on the Yahoo
> IPv6 help page...
> I have IPv6 connectivity through a HE tunnel, and I can reach IPv6 services
> (the only issue is that my ISP's DNS is not IPv6 enabled), but I tried to
> run the "Start IPv6 Test" tool at http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/ipv6/ and
> it says:
> "We detected an issue with your IPv6 configuration. On World IPv6 Day, you
> will have issues reaching Yahoo!, as well as your other favorite web sites.
> We recommend disabling
> IPv6<http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=ArHGqIAYvt_4fpp3N3vLzmNRJ3tG/SIG=11vv8jc1f/**http%3A//help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/ipv6/general/ipv6-09.html>,
> or seeking assistance in order to fix your system's IPv6 configuration
> through your ISP or computer manufacturer."

Weird as I also use the HE tunnel and the yahoo report for me was clean.


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