On Sat, 2011-04-23 at 13:09 -0500, Kevin Day wrote:
> For those that don't know, World of Warcraft is currently the largest online 
> role playing game, with somewhere over 12 million subscribers.
> Version 4.1 of the game is expected to be released this Tuesday, which will 
> be automatically pushed to all clients. The current Beta version of 4.1 has 
> full IPv6 support. In the beta, it's automatically enabled if you have native 
> IPv6 (non-6to4, non-Teredo). While Blizzard has been pretty silent about 
> this, barring a last minute revert or delay of this patch, there are suddenly 
> going to be a bunch more users that can potentially use IPv6. And these users 
> are the type who are going to be especially sensitive to latency, jitter and 
> packet loss, since this is a real-time game platform.
> For those of you with Help Desks who have to support users like this, the 
> associated setting in the game's Options menu is apparently called "Enable 
> IPv6 when available". It's apparently grayed out if you do not have IPv6 at 
> all, unchecked by default if you are on 6to4 or Teredo, and checked by 
> default if you are on native v6. The tooltip says: "Enables the use of IPv6, 
> the technology behind the next-generation Internet. Requires IPv6 
> connectivity to the internet. Checking this box without IPv6 connectivity may 
> prevent you from playing WoW."
> Anyone from Activision/Blizzard who would like to chime in with more details? 
> :)

I can't say that I'm from Blizzard, but I'm *seriously* impressed by
them for making this happen. Kudos to Blizzard!


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