On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:48 PM, John Curran wrote:
>  You are correct that consensus doesn't assure legality; hence
>  all draft policies receive a specific staff and legal review 
>  during the development process. 

Thanks, John.  I'm aware of the legal review, as well as the AC and board 
"gateways" to policy adoption.  I don't have any recommendation for improving 
that process, per se - just a healthy dose of skepticism that it will always 
result in alignment with the law, especially given that the legal authority of 
ARIN isn't clearly defined.

On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:44 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> As to reflecting community standards, I'm not sure what better measure of 
> "community standards"
> one could propose beyond a bottom-up open consensus driven policy process 
> such as what
> we have today.

Owen, my point is that the ARIN community does not necessarily reflect the 
community at large.  Just like the common standards within the mafia community 
aren't necessarily aligned with the broader standards of civil society.

If ARIN is appointed in an official capacity (i.e. granted such authority by 
the government, or by popular vote etc) to determine specific community 
standards then we don't have to worry.  Otherwise, ARIN has to work carefully 
to ensure that it doesn't go awry.  In that sense, the relative smallness of 
the ARIN community and ARIN's organizational momentum (natural to any 
self-preserving organization) should be of concern.


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