On 2/3/2011 9:54 PM, Randy Carpenter wrote:
The major national provider is supposed to be swapping out equipment any day now in order to support IPv6. The regional is claiming that their upstreams do not have IPv6 support yet. Their upstream providers certainly do have IPv6, but I do not know if they are not offering it to their downstream ISP customers. I don't know, but as a company that manages the internet operations for numerous ISPs, and needs to have full monitoring capability for said customers, it is frustrating not to have native IPv6.
I waited years and finally turned up a transit to L3 for additional bandwidth (had to wait for GE support from the other 2, of which 1 still can't give me a GE) and luckily native v6. Within 30 days I should have a cogent 10G, and I hear I'll get v6 there as well.
I'm still waiting for v6 on the original 2, but I can live with what I have. Jack