On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, Franck Martin wrote:

The biggest complaint that I hear from ISPs, is that their upstream ISP does 
not support IPv6 or will not provide them with a native IPv6 circuit.

Is that bull?

I thought the whole backbone is IPv6 now, and it is only the residential ISPs 
that are still figuring it out because CPE are still not there yet.

Where can I get more information? Any list of peering ISPs that have IPv6 as 
part of their products?

It seems to me the typical answer sales people say when asked about IPv6: "Gosh, 
this is the first time I'm asked this one".

I can provide anecdotal feedback on this. When we did v6 on our network - we did it to full v4 parity. I.e. if we offer v4 / HSRP redundancy / BGP full table, etc in a given site, we need to be able to do the same with v6. We acheived that. At this point I had a decent v6 network, but was isolated from the world. I had to talk to upstreams.

In a nutshell, it was non-trivial. The upstreams in question will remain nameless to protect the guilty, but they are all who some would call 'tier 1'. The common themes were:

- Hmm, don't know our process for that, let me send emails and 'reach out' and get back to you.

- We can do it, but we have to home you to a different router. This will be a provisioning exercise and you will get new /30 (/126, etc) and new circuit ID.

So it was far from simply adding v6 to our existing circuit(s) and another BGP session. It has taken months.

I couldn't quite wait that long so I did a tunnel w/ BGP to Hurricane and got it up in a matter of days. At that point, at least I could traceroute somewhere :) We are just now finishing up getting native on our transit circuits.

Brandon Applegate - CCIE 10273
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