On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:04 PM, Franck Martin wrote:

> The biggest complaint that I hear from ISPs, is that their upstream ISP does 
> not support IPv6 or will not provide them with a native IPv6 circuit. 
> Is that bull? 
> I thought the whole backbone is IPv6 now, and it is only the residential ISPs 
> that are still figuring it out because CPE are still not there yet. 
> Where can I get more information? Any list of peering ISPs that have IPv6 as 
> part of their products? 
> It seems to me the typical answer sales people say when asked about IPv6: 
> "Gosh, this is the first time I'm asked this one". 

There is a wikipedia article on this:


It's not very marketing nor deep in details.  There are also a variety of other 
sites as well with various lists that are more focused on the edge networks 
such as:


I'm not aware of a fully comprehensive list, but it may be worthwhile to ask 
over on the ipv6-ops list with further details about where you are located or 
looking at desiring service:


There's good discussion over there, and a great resource if you are looking for 
details on enabling IPv6.

- Jared

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