
It depends, we have criteria. You can't just e-mail
ab...@blacklotus.net and expect any given web site to be immediately
shut down. There is due process and we need to make a decision on the
matter and serve it to our customer. If a customer is listed at
Spamhaus this is sufficient.

Being a legitimate corporation means that we're accountable for
maintaining certain standards. Everyone assumes that because we
mitigate DDoS that we're no better than some offshore spam haven.


BTW: IP space is still null routed, still waiting on Spamhaus to stop
nailing innocent customers.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:17 PM, William Pitcock
<neno...@systeminplace.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:11:37 -0500
> Jeffrey Lyon <jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net> wrote:
>> William,
>> You're quite right, we don't. We presume that our customers are
>> honorable until proven otherwise. We're a legitimate U.S. based
>> corporation and we make ourselves available to the pertinent RBL's and
>> authorities as appropriate. We take action where action needs to be
>> taken.
> How does refusing service to known spammers/spam operations make you
> any less of a legitimate U.S. corporation?  How come all of the
> resources mentioned in this thread are still online?
>> I take offense, however, to the assumption that our entire company is
>> bad and that all of our customers should suffer because of the actions
>> of a few. I've given Larry @ Spamhaus a direct link to myself and our
>> VP of Ops. If he choose to use it all of these problems can be nipped
>> in the bud.
> I do not assume your company is bad.  I assume that trying to get
> anything shut down at BL is a waste of my time.  A majority of the
> people posting on this thread seem to also attest to this point.
> Just because you're proxying to other networks does not make you
> unresponsible for their activity.
>> You're quite fortunate to be under the protection of a major
>> corporation, most do not have that luxury.
> I am not under anyone's protection.  DroneBL is, but I no longer
> operate it due to it being a timesink.  Nor should my opinions reflect
> them in any way.  I just wanted to make it clear that I am aware of
> what it is like to be under permanent DDoS attack.
> William

Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team
jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net
Black Lotus Communications - AS32421
First and Leading in DDoS Protection Solutions

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