On 01/17/2011 02:15 PM, Jeffrey Lyon wrote:
> Someone at Spamhaus please contact me concerning your second
> consecutive preemptive strike against our IP space.
> Fun Fact: No one at Spamhaus has ever successfully sent us an abuse
> complaint. Also, some rocket scientist decided that their
> sbl-removals@ box should also filter e-mail so blocked parties can't
> even get in touch. As such, it will be necessary to reply to
> jeffrey.l...@gmail.com vs. @blacklotus.net .
> You claim to monitor sbl-removals@ but it seems i've been ignored for
> several hours.

Spamhaus does monitor sbl-removals@ but they like to do research before
they just remove listings.  You'll have less luck getting yourself off
the listings if they feel you're just there to yell at them for being
stupid and don't care enough to take their listing seriously.  They were
willing to send us automated notifications about new listings matching
our IP space as they are added, and you can request this via the removal
address when you get a response.  They do not file abuse complaints.

If you care to explain why you think they made a mistake in a reasonable
fashion, it's pretty likely you'll get removed and they'll probably be
inclined to give you a bit of extra trust in the future.

We started out very defensive against Spamhaus early on, sending angry,
demanding messages to sbl-removals@.  We found things went much better
when we started showing that we considered the information in the
listing and explained what we did to investigate and/or why we felt the
listing was not warranted (either because we cleaned up the issue or
because we felt it was a mistake).

There are many RBLs which demand we wait weeks for the possibility of an
unfriendly and unhelpful response.  Spamhaus is by far the easiest to
get along with and most responsive for our network.

Kevin Stange
Chief Technology Officer
Steadfast Networks
Phone: 312-602-2689 ext. 203 | Fax: 312-602-2688 | Cell: 312-320-5867

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