
I'm not certain that any Black Lotus IP's are even connected to EFnet.
Secondly, we're more than happy to act on any data presented to us if
they actually care to present it to us before listing the entire ISP.

I'm not sure what non-spam related "e-trash" has to do this any of this.

Thanks, Jeff

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:31 PM, William Pitcock
<neno...@systeminplace.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:09:07 -0500
> Jeffrey Lyon <jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net> wrote:
>> That's fine, but the listings don't even make sense. There is no
>> evidence in the listing and i'm still trying to figure out a) why they
>> think that these new listings have anything to do with the ones we
>> already cleaned and b) which customers actually need to be removed and
>> for specifically what reasons. Their entire mentality is "the site is
>> pharmacy which means its part of a criminal spammer gang," regardless
>> of whether or not that is true.
> Please stop pretending that you're not hosting e-trash.
> is still hosting an active SEO poisoning site (myspace-codes.com).  I
> think, frankly, it would make your life a lot simpler if you just
> accepted the fact that BlackLotus sells to e-trash, just like the rest
> of the "ddos-protected hosting solutions" companies do.
>> My initial reply to sbl-removals@ was rather civil, my second reply
>> not so much. At this point I just need them to check their e-mail and
>> answer a few questions. I need intelligence to work with if they
>> expect me to cooperate with them. I have no problem removing customers
>> that need to be removed but I need to have all of the details to act
>> on the request.
> You have all the intelligence you need.  You host e-trash script
> kiddies and SEO poisoners.  Just go get some wirecutters and snip the
> wires coming out of that busted up 6509 you used to tout on WHT and the
> problem will be solved.
> I have a slogan by the way, "Blacklotus AKA The IRC Company - making
> EFnet more trashy since FooNet got raided".
> William

Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team
jeffrey.l...@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net
Black Lotus Communications - AS32421
First and Leading in DDoS Protection Solutions

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