On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Backdoor Parrot
<backdoorpar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Earlier this morning a Comcast peering manager had the following things to 
> say about the recent NANOG thread, in a public IRC channel with many 
> witnesses:
> my management is pretty disgusted with the badmouthing and accusation 
> slinging on nanog.org btw
> the demands to disclose confidential data on the blog aren't helping either
> the budget for hosting will be impacted I guarantee because it came out of 
> folks who are being hassled's budget
> there is a meeting today to discuss the value of supporting the NANOG 
> community
> Apparently Comcast's support and sponsorship of NANOG has actually been a 
> ploy to buy our silence, and if we keep talking poorly of them they're going 
> to cut off the funding. Shhhhh don't tell anyone.

Any more details to those logs? Timestamps, channel names, nicknames?

Brent Jones

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