On 12/15/10 2:37 PM, Randy Epstein wrote: > Jon, > If ratios are really a concern and you really need to maximize your port > capacity, there are ways to balance this; balance your customer base. Start > hosting content. Now, this might not help on private peering interconnects, > but if you peer publicly, this will help you balance (and take advantage of) > your public peering capacity.
To that point, comcast does sell wholesale ip transit and they have a quite a few unused timeslots for packets in the egress direction... Ratios shouldn't matter in sense that unblanced ratios do not imply that mutual benfit is not being derived from the interconnection. If for example, I get access to your customer's and you no longer have to pay a transit provider for my transit then we both win even if the flow is virtually all inbound. > Either way, ratios are very 1990s. As has been mentioned before, it was > more of an excuse not to peer by the monopolistic entities that made up a > big portion of the Internet in the 90s and isn't very relevant today. > > Randy > > > >