It would certainly serve to make customers angry. They have a choice of video provider netflix vs hulu, but only one isp.
In this case the customer drops netflix in an angry huff and goes to hulu. That customer is gone forever. ------Original Message------ From: Patrick Giagnocavo To: Subject: Re: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style Sent: Dec 16, 2010 11:05 AM On 12/16/2010 10:54 AM, Mikel Waxler wrote: > But in that scheme, Comcast looses in the long run, when the FCC gets around > to them, but Netflix looses customers immediately. > > " I pay Netflix 10$ a month and they wont let me use their service cause I > am on Comcast? I am taking my money to Hulu!" > > Sure netflix is "right" but by the time it matters they are out of business. > Surely serving a "bumper" video at the beginning - "Comcast is trying to charge you more for Netflix - see" - would be enough? --Patrick Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T