On Dec 3, 2010, at 16:58, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:

> On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 13:21:07 PST, Matthew Petach said:
>> People are still feeding their gear with AC?  Save on PS inefficiency,
>> and feed direct 12/5vDC to the servers.  Save space, save power,
>> save cooling.
> What does that do to customer equipment choices?  I've got a quarter acre of
> boxes that I know want 12/5vDC inside the case, but that's not an easily
> available option from the vendor - most of the time the only option is
> autoswitching 120-240DC with your choice of power cables.
The 10,000amp bus for the 12v feed for a row of server racks would be a thing 
to behold. I don't think anyone but Paul Wall has seriously considered this.

> (If anybody has a good TCO analysis for doing this with Dell/Sun/IBM/Apple
> servers, I'm willing to listen...)

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