On Oct 6, 2010, at 6:35 AM, Ben McGinnes wrote:

> On 7/10/10 12:08 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
>> so ... should domains associated with asn(s) and addr block allocations
>> be subject to some expiry policy other than "it goes into the drop pool
>> and one of {enom,pool,...} acquire it (and the associated non-traffic
>> assets) for any interested party at $50 per /24"?
> Interesting idea, but how do you apply it to ccTLD domains with widely
> varying policies.  All it takes is whois records being legitimately
> updated to use domain contacts using a ccTLD domain to circumvent.
> Sounds like more of a stop-gap measure.
> Regards,
> Ben

Number resources are not and should not be associated with domain
resources at the policy level. This would make absolutely no sense


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