On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:40 PM, todd glassey <tglas...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>  On 8/3/2010 4:07 PM, ML wrote:
>> As an SP in the MDU (multi dwelling unit) market we dutifully SWIP
>> netblocks for each apartment complex/condo/etc.  Doing such we
>> publically publish the physical address an IP lives (sans Apt/Unit #).
>> Would anyone feel this is too much information for people to know?
>> Should our SWIPs be more generic, local POP address or local corporate
>> office, just enough for rough geolocation accuracy?
>> I realize what ARIN prefers, this is more of an opinion gathering.
>> -ML
> CALEA may come into play there meaning that there is no privacy per se.

calea != ARIN policies... the above comment is a red-herring/fud.

reading the policies (roughly paraphrased) I'd say you need to
(depending where you line up with william's questions)
  A swip the block the building uses (postal address probably fine) -
presumes +/29 to a building, of course
  B swip as 'residential' anything larger than a /29 that lands at a
single dwelling being used for residential things
  C swip as a normal record anything larger than a /29 that lands at a
single dwelling but considered a 'business'

as examples of these:
A - 1515 Connecticut Ave, Washington DC - The Regency Towers
Apartments (fictitious apartment building)
B - Private customer - Verizon Internet Services Inc. FTTP  (Joe
Plumber Apartment #5 inside The Regency Towers Apartments)
C - Joes Plumbing and Handyman services - Apt #5 1515 Connecticut Ave
(the business address at that apartment location)


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