XO has many downs than ups. I am a current XO customer mainly due to the
costs, having voice, PtP, Transit, and Co-Location.
Here is my rundown.
Internet Transit: Yes it works, and when their routing goes ape, no one
knows what is going on. They have a tendency not to do a "wr mem" on
their ciscos.
Point to Point: Yes it works, but when they have to take an OC12 or some
large circuit down you might be notified the day of. Also if you have
more than one circuit with them, finding what circuit will be hit takes
ages on their side.
Co-Location: One crap shoot close to death. A "change control" group has
to approve changes, adds, and you as a customer has zero say.
Call Center: I feel like Mr. Bean is running the call center. Depending
on who you call, and when they last did trainning you will get a wild
range of responces. Even for the simplest of things takes about 20 min to
make a ticket, and some have taken past 40min.
Voice: Random failures of not being able to reach cell phone carriers.
Random issues where some trunk lines just go offline. But to XO it is
always the customer hardware. Another great feature if you have a trouble
ticket and in part of correcting the issue if some other change was
introduced an automated system will back out any changes weeks later.
It is one of those things in life you deal with because the tradeoff is
something execs see as the monthly OPEX costs.
On Thu, 1 Jul 2010, Net wrote:
We're currently looking to buy transit from XO for one of our DCs.
Their pricing is very competative compared to some of the other
providers we've considered to date.
I'm hoping to get some feedback on their services, support, peering
arrangements and the overall stability of their core backbone network
from folks who've had experience or currently using them.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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