On May 26, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 2010-05-25, at 17:40, Martin List-Petersen wrote:
>> On 24/05/10 19:21, Thomas Magill wrote:
>>>> From the provider side, are most of you who are implementing IP6
>>> peerings running BGP over IP4 and just using IP6 address families to
>>> exchange routes or doing IP6 peering?
>> Most Internet Exchanges do not allow to mix on the same transport. So
>> IPv4 peering over IPv4 transport, IPv6 peering over IPv6 transport, you
>> can use the same interface though.
> Most Internet Exchanges don't care what BGP protocol options consenting 
> neighbours decide to use, in my experience. (If they cared, what could they 
> do?)

Don't care?  I think you mean "don't know".

The exchange that starts snooping my BGP session to see what I am trading with 
my peer is the exchange that will lose my business.


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