> -----Original Message----- > From: Thomas Magill [mailto:tmag...@providecommerce.com] > Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 11:22 AM > To: nanog@nanog.org > Subject: Quick IP6/BGP question > > >From the provider side, are most of you who are implementing IP6 > peerings running BGP over IP4 and just using IP6 address families to > exchange routes or doing IP6 peering? > > > > Thomas Magill > Network Engineer > > Office: (858) 909-3777 > > Cell: (858) 869-9685 > mailto:tmag...@providecommerce.com <mailto:tmag...@providecommerce.com> >
At the Seattle Internet Exchange we have both IPv4 and IPv6 peering, via discrete addresses, on the same interface. Regards, Mike -- Michael K. Smith - CISSP, GSEC, GISP Chief Technical Officer - Adhost Internet LLC mksm...@adhost.com w: +1 (206) 404-9500 f: +1 (206) 404-9050 PGP: B49A DDF5 8611 27F3 08B9 84BB E61E 38C0 (Key ID: 0x9A96777D)