On Apr 27, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> Windows will just populate the reverse zone as needed, if you let
>> it, using dynamic update.  If you have properly deployed BCP 39
>> and have anti-spoofing ingres filtering then you can just let any
>> address from the /48 add/remove PTR records.  Other OS's will
>> follow suite.
> Is DDNS really considered to be the end-all answer for this?

Seems it is that or not bothering with reverse anymore.

> It seems we're putting an awful lot of trust in the user when doing this..  
> I'd rather see some sort of macro expansion in bind/tinydns/etc that would 
> allow a range of addresses to be added.

Hmm. A macro expansion for a /48 would mean 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 
leaves. An interesting stress test for name servers... :-).

Slightly more seriously, there have been discussions in the past about doing 
dynamic synthesis of v6 reverses, but that gets icky (particularly if you 
invoke the dreaded "DNSSEC" curse) and I don't know any production server that 
actually does this now.  Dynamic DNS is probably the least offensive solution 
if you really want reverses for your v6 nodes.


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