RFC1918 is a good place to start ;)

On 3/18/2010 10:22 AM, Jaren Angerbauer wrote:
Thanks all for the on / off list responses on this.  I acknowledge I'm
playing in territory I'm not familiar with, and was a bad idea to jump
to the conclusion that this range was private.  I made that assumption
originally because the entire /8 was owned by APNIC, and just figured
since the registrar owned them, it must have been a private range. :S

It sounds like this range was just recently assigned -- is there any
document (RFC?) or source I could look through to learn more about
this, and/or provide evidence to my client?



Tom Ammon
Network Engineer
Office: 801.587.0976
Mobile: 801.674.9273

Center for High Performance Computing
University of Utah

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