On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 09:34:47AM -0700, Fred Baker wrote:
> Are they using them only within their domain(s), and ARIN addresses outside, 
> or are they advertising them to their upstream(s) to be readvertised into the 
> backbone?
> If they are using them internally and NAT'ing to the outside, they're not 
> hurting themselves or anyone else. I would personally let them alone.
Right up until someone actually starts *using* 1/8, in which case they're
hurting both themslves, and who ever gets stuck with it.

> If they are advertising them outside, it adds a small prefix in the ARIN 
> domain that doesn't get aggregated by the upstream. Among 300K such prefixes 
> it is probably noise, but gently suggesting that they use something 
> aggregatable into their upstream's allocation would help a little bit in that 
> regard. What they are most likely hurting is themselves, really; a datagram 
> sent to the address from an ISP outside themselves probably travels via 
> Australia or an Australian ISP.
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Jaren Angerbauer wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I have a client here in the US, that I just discovered is using a host
> > of private IPs that (as I understand) belong to APNIC (i.e.
> >,, etc.) for their web servers.  I'm assuming
> > that the addresses probably nat to a [US] public IP.  I'm not familiar
> > enough with the use of private address space outside of ARIN (i.e.
> >,, etc) but I figure if their sites are up and
> > accessible it must be working for them.  I'm just wondering if there
> > is any recommendation or practice around this -- using private IP
> > ranges from another country.  Thanks.
> > 
> > --Jaren
> > 
> http://www.ipinc.net/IPv4.GIF



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