On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Joe Greco wrote:
> There's no way it's as widely used, and generally speaking, it appears
> that those who have used it have done so out of ignorance and(/or?)
> stupidity, sometimes blindly following documentation without
> comprehending, etc.

I don't know about that. Before we abandoned our prior managed-hosting facility 
for stuff we managed ourselves, ALL of the servers they were managing were 
using for their "internal" address schemes. And this is a pretty 
decent sized company (Terremark) who I would have thought would have had a clue 
on it. 

That said, I agree "people who didn't listen to RFC1918 deserve every bit of 
pain that they've got coming to them", but I bet there's more morons out there 
than you're giving the universe credit for.


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