On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 10:05:43PM -0500, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> On 2010.03.04 20:55, Owen DeLong wrote:
> > 
> > I proffer that
> > such effort is better spent moving towards IPv6 dual stack on your
> > networks.
> I *wholeheartedly* agree with Owen's assessment. Even spending time
> trying to calculate a rebuttal to his numbers is better spent moving
> toward dual-stack ;)
> Nice.
> Steve

        er... what part of dual-stack didn't you understand?
        dual-stack consumes exactly the same number of v4 and v6 addresses.
        if you expect to dual-stack everything - you need to look again.
        either you are going to need:

        lots more IPv4 space

        stealing ports to mux addresses

        run straight-up native IPv6 - no IPv4 (unless you need to talk to 
        a v4-only host - then use IVI or similar..)

        imho - the path through the woods is an IVI-like solution.


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