
We would also be happy to sink the traffic and provide captures and statistics 
for general consumption.


On Feb 4, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:

> On Feb 4, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Kevin Loch wrote:
>> Mirjam Kuehne wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> After 1/8 was allocated to APNIC last week, the RIPE NCC did some 
>>> measurements to find out how "polluted" this block really is.
>>> See some surprising results on RIPE Labs: 
>>> http://labs.ripe.net/content/pollution-18
>>> Please also note the call for feedback at the bottom of the article.
>> The most surprising thing in that report was that someone has an AMS-IX
>> port at just 10 megs.  It would be nice to see an actual measurement of
>> the traffic and daily/weekly changes. A breakdown of the flow data by
>> source ASN and source prefix (for the top 50-100 sources) would also be
>> interesting.
> There was a call on the apnic list for someone to sink some of the traffic.
> I'd like to see someone capture the data and post pcaps/netflow analysis, and 
> possibly just run a http server on that /24 so people can test if their 
> network is broken.
> I've taken a peek at the traffic, and I don't think it's 100's of megs, but 
> without a global view who knows.
> - Jared

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