14/8 isn't all they are using internally.. 1,4,5,42 and that's just the
stuff that hasn't been delegated out by IANA yet.  
I am sure this practice is pervasive.. and it's an issue that doesn't
typically come up in talks about prepping for IPv4 depletion.  Maybe it
will now.. 

FWIW, I don't believe these netblocks are completely unusable.  If RIR
policies permit you to get address space for private networks, it could
be allocated to an organization that understands and accepts the
pollution issue because they will never intend to route the space
publicly.  (Such a thing does exist..)

+1 volunteering to sink traffic for


-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Jaeggli [mailto:joe...@bogus.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:09 AM
To: Mirjam Kuehne
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: How polluted is 1/8?

It should be of no surprise to anyone that a number of the remaining
prefixes are something of a mess(somebody ask t-mobile how they're using
14/8 internally for example). One's new ipv4 assignments are  going to
be of significantly lower quality than the one received a decade ago,
The property is probably transitive in that the overall quality of the
ipv4 unicast space is declining...

The way to reduce the entropy in a system is to pump more energy in,
there's always the question however of whether that's even worth it or


Mirjam Kuehne wrote:
> Hello,
> After 1/8 was allocated to APNIC last week, the RIPE NCC did some
> measurements to find out how "polluted" this block really is.
> See some surprising results on RIPE Labs:
> http://labs.ripe.net/content/pollution-18
> Please also note the call for feedback at the bottom of the article.
> Kind Regards,
> Mirjam Kuehne

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