Ken Chase wrote:
Anyone got some pointers on how to get off SORBS' Dynamic IP lists?
We've followed their RFC proposed static reverse DNS assignment naming and all
elements of their FAQ.
We are not spammers. The /24 in question isnt listed on any RBLs except SORBS
We've submitted requests in various different formats, but get a robot reply
and -ENOJOY.
We've even had our upstream that is listed at the RIR as managing the supernet
of our BGP announced prefixes submit requests to delist for the /24, but
we are only ever replied to by a robot that lists as
dynamic except .163 (somehow manually excluded from their db, I think when
they werent adrift in years past). Our upstream's techs are also at a loss now
and suggested I seek arcane clue amongst the sages here.
Pointers appreciated.
OK, following my last post I have been given 4 ticket numbers for the
same network. 3 appear to be from Ken using a different email address
(hence why we couldn't find a ticket from him.)
Normally I would not post a public response, but this case is what seems
to be a reoccurring theme, so maybe it's time to post comment.
Each of the tickets are similar in that they all refer to the same
space. All were rejected by the robot with the following text at the
end of the reply:
I'm now marking this request as 'answered' as I think there's nothing
more for me to do. If you feel otherwise, please reply to this message
to re-open your ticket. In particular, if you change your rDNS
Each of the 4 tickets (the three by Ken) are all sitting in the state of
"Answered" ... so at no point has a human had chance to see the issue
and override the bot's decision.
The common a reoccurring issue is the response by the robot has given
the next logical step to progress any delisting request (as has been
stated here recently, in another thread).. and the requester has either
not read the response or chosen to ignore the response or <insert other
reason which results in not responding to the ticket>... then the come
here complaining about not getting a response from SORBS. The reality
is they got a response from SORBS and did not act upon the response.
Sorry Ken, this is not having a go at you, but it is a very common theme
and deserves airing. Other issues are where the appropriate contact (as
listed in the whois record at the RIR) also ignore the same two
sentences, get rejected by the robot and choose to log a new ticket only
to get the same response over and over again.
Is it bad English? Is it not clear? Can anyone else give better
wording that might result in less of an issue? The process is
relatively simple:
For fast approval:
Log ticket -> robot checks rDNS for all networks listed in ticket ->
robot confirms all space is static and submits the ticket to the
removals queue where it is manually checked by a human and processed.
For manual approval:
Log ticket -> robot checks rDNS for all networks listed in ticket ->
robot denies delisting request sending response -> OP changes something
and replies, just states they are the whois listed appropriate contact,
or gives some reason why the robot is wrong and reopens the ticket with
the reply -> SORBS volunteer reviews the available information from the
robot and the subsequent reply from the OP and manually submits to the
removals queue or rejects and gives a human response as to why (eg like
with Shaw, Road Runner, Verizon, etc listings) the information is
provided by the ISP and any delisting will be reversed within a week.
No NANOG is not about SORBS and SORBS should not really be discussed
here, but telling people they would be better discussing it on Spam-L
will not help you at all as I cannot post there and consequently I have
since unsubscribed, as I have suggested to all my staff. Messaging me
directly about listings will not help your case, unless something has
gone wrong (and since Jan 09 I have only had one issue where something
went wrong in the SORBS systems, all other requests were without tickets
or twits that logged a ticket and sent me the ticket number before the
robot had replied because they thought they might get special attention.)
The best thing anyone can do is read the automated responses (some are
from the system as the ticket is logged, some are from the robots)
completely, and act upon what they say as majority of the time this will
result in a fast delisting.. Christmas Eve 2009, DUHL delisting
requests were happening within an hour of requesting a delisting. My
moving internationally and 30 hours in the air have slowed that process,
but I intend to get it back to within 60 minute responses again by the
end of January.