Nope, not joking.  Quite serious about this.

Glad we agree about the residential customers.  Perhaps that's the first place 
to start and could generate some interesting lessons.

Properly dual-homed customers are what I'd lump into the "clueful" category so 
they are not the ones I'm talking about.  Just the basic customers who have no 
Earthly idea how all of this magic comes together, and who really don't care or 
have a need to know.

New applications, by the way, should not be a problem if they are allowed to 
adapt to a new networking model.  Innovation flourishes when the status quo 

(I see that Chris Morrow just posted some supportive comments.  Thanks Chris!)


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Bellovin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:09 AM
To: Sachs, Marcus Hans (Marc)
Cc: NANOG list
Subject: Re: ip-precedence for management traffic

On Dec 29, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Sachs, Marcus Hans (Marc) wrote:

> Totally out of the box, but here goes:  why don't we run the entire Internet 
> management plane "out of band" so that customers have minimal ability to 
> interact with routing updates, layer 3/4 protocols, DNS, etc.?  I don't mean 
> 100% exclusion for all customers, but for the average Joe-customer 
> (residential, business, etc., not the researcher, network operator, or 
> clueful content provider) do they really need to have full access to the 
> Internet mechanisms (routing, naming, numbering, etc.)?
> We already provide lots of proxy services for end users, so why not finish 
> the job and move all of the management mechanisms out of plain sight?

I hope you're joking.  If not, I have two questions: how can this be done, and 
what will the side-effects be?

Take BGP, for example.  The average residential consumer doesn't need BGP, 
doesn't speak it, and has no real ability to interfere with it, so there's no 
problem.  But a multihomed customer *must* speak it.  Perhaps you could assert 
that their ISPs should announce it -- but why trust random ISPs?  Is that ISP 
12 hops away from you trustworthy, or a front for the Elbonian Business Network?

As for side-effects -- how can you proxy everything?  Do you know every 
application your customers are running?  Must someone who invents a new app 
first develop a proxy and persuade every ISP that it's safe, secure, 
high-enough performance, and worth their while to run?  It's worth remembering 
that most of the innovative applications have come from folks whom no one had 
ever heard of.

                --Steve Bellovin,

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