One note on this :-)..
Some time ago,  a friend of mine worked in a carrier that had dialup modems for 
out-of-band access ('lights-out, end-of-world' recovery)
They kept the practice in a new NGN Class4/5 replacement..
Detail, the dial-up line went over the NGN..............

On Dec 29, 2009, at 6:03 AM, Mehmet Akcin wrote:

> On Dec 29, 2009, at 2:07 AM, Dobbins, Roland wrote:
>> On Dec 29, 2009, at 6:02 PM, Luca Tosolini wrote:
>>> this leaves out only ipp 7 for management traffic, on the premise that 
>>> routing and management should not share the same queue and resources.....
>> Management-plane traffic should be sent/received via your DCN/OOB network, 
>> so that it's not competing with customer traffic nor subject to network 
>> partitions or other disruptive events.  It should not be co-mingled with 
>> traffic on the production network.
> Agreed, it's very important to have a management network that is reachable 
> while you are under ddos or some kind of mess you or someone else've created. 
> Often having something like an ADSL like connection will save trips to colo 
> and will give you nice abilities to work on stuff when combined with serial 
> management tools.
> Mehmet

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