On Dec 29, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Sachs, Marcus Hans (Marc) wrote:

> Totally out of the box, but here goes:  why don't we run the entire Internet 
> management plane "out of band" so that customers have minimal ability to 
> interact with routing updates, layer 3/4 protocols, DNS, etc.?  I don't mean 
> 100% exclusion for all customers, but for the average Joe-customer 
> (residential, business, etc., not the researcher, network operator, or 
> clueful content provider) do they really need to have full access to the 
> Internet mechanisms (routing, naming, numbering, etc.)?
> We already provide lots of proxy services for end users, so why not finish 
> the job and move all of the management mechanisms out of plain sight?

I hope you're joking.  If not, I have two questions: how can this be done, and 
what will the side-effects be?

Take BGP, for example.  The average residential consumer doesn't need BGP, 
doesn't speak it, and has no real ability to interfere with it, so there's no 
problem.  But a multihomed customer *must* speak it.  Perhaps you could assert 
that their ISPs should announce it -- but why trust random ISPs?  Is that ISP 
12 hops away from you trustworthy, or a front for the Elbonian Business Network?

As for side-effects -- how can you proxy everything?  Do you know every 
application your customers are running?  Must someone who invents a new app 
first develop a proxy and persuade every ISP that it's safe, secure, 
high-enough performance, and worth their while to run?  It's worth remembering 
that most of the innovative applications have come from folks whom no one had 
ever heard of.

                --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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