Thanks very much..

We ran RT for a while but every time a new update came out on CentOS it broke 
the installation (perl mods), making it a pain to keep running.  Bugzilla we 
haven't tried nor the JIRA.  I'll take a look... does JIRA have an approval 
process or some type?



-----Original Message-----
From: Duane Waddle []
Sent: October 26, 2009 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Simple Change Management Tracking

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Paul Stewart <> wrote:
> Hi folks...
> I'm just looking for some feedback ... we are looking for a *really*
> simple Change Management ticket system.  All we want is a system that
> does the following:

Hi Paul,

Have you considered any of these?

[1] Request Tracker -- -- Really nice open
source ticketing system

[2] Bugzilla -- -- Another nice tool, built
more "for the programmer" then operations.  Used by Mozilla and Redhat
for their bug trackers.

[3] Atlassian JIRA -- --
Commercial tool, also more developer-centric then operations-centric,
but should be easily adaptable to your needs.  Used by ASF many Apache
subprojects.  Atlassian recently changed their pricing model to
include 10 users for $10.

Of the three, I personally prefer JIRA -- to the point of setting up
one of the $10 systems to keep up with the honey-do list at home.



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