Martin Hannigan wrote:

Well, I haven't even had coffee yet and...

Get the removals:

curl -ls | grep Remove | grep -v "<PRE>"

Get the additions:

mahannig$ curl -ls | grep Add | grep -v "<PRE>"

That appears to be it. I've also been told that there is a RSS feed of the same thing. My understanding is that a posting is made to the mailing list or RSS feed when a new subnet is assigned. I'd like to see them do something with the assignment is first returned to ARIN, not months later when the assignment is ready to be handed out again. I think the extra time would help those people that download copies of the DNSBL zone files and manually import them once a week or less often.

Lots of place still use the zone files. Personally I prefer to do so too, rather than tie my mail system reliability on an outside source that may or may not tell me when they have problems that affect my service. GoDaddy and their hosted mail service would be a great example since they can't be bothered to update their DNSBL zone files. Their mail admins are using a copy of SORBS that is 3 years old. 3 damn years old. How do I know this? 3 years ago a mistake in a Squid configuration turned one of my services into an open proxy for about a week. Even today mail from that server to a domain with mail hosted at GoDaddy results in a bounce citing the ancient SORBS listing as the reason.

Thanks for the pointer. Looks like they've already thought of what I suggested and implemented a solution. I still voice for announcing returned assignment instead of announcing when an old assignment gets reassigned.


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