> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Otis [mailto:do...@mail-abuse.org]
> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 1:41 PM
> To: joel jaeggli
> Cc: NANOG list
> Subject: Re: Repeated Blacklisting / IP reputation, replaced by registered use
> On 9/13/09 12:49 PM, joel jaeggli wrote:
> > Frank Bulk wrote:
> []
> >> If anything, there's more of a disincentive than ever before for
> >> ARIN to spend time on netblock sanitization.
> >
> > This whole thread seems to be about shifting (I.E. by externalizing)
> > the costs of remediation. presumably the entities responsible for the
> > poor reputation aren't likely to pay... So heck, why not ARIN?
> > perhaps because it's absurd on the face of it? how much do my fees go
> > up in order to indemnify ARIN against the cost of a possible future
> > cleanup? how many more staff do they need? Do I have to buy prefix
> > reputation insurance as contingent requirement for a new direct
> > assignm
> Perhaps ICANN could require registries establish a clearing-house, where
> at no cost, those assigned a network would register their intent to
> initiate bulk traffic, such as email, from specific addresses.  Such a
> use registry would make dealing with compromised systems more tractable.

If they would just comply with RFC 3514, such a registry would be

> This registry would also supplant the guesswork involved with divining
> meaning of reverse DNS labels.

We could standardize a string to be used in rDNS of dynamic pools, if you


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