ARIN's role as the entity engaged in legal contractual relationship with
the previous owners of the space puts it in the position to insert
enforceable contract clauses to deter and/or mitigate "graffiti" in
Policy proposals probably are not required for this.
Space originally from outside ARIN, thats another kettle of fish.
ARIN is also in the position to refuse allocations for entities who dont
clean up after themselves. Policy likely required.
And finally, if this problem continues to worsen (as it likely will when
greenfield becomes scarce), a viable business opportunity should emerge
for reputable organizations to do cleanup on behalf of the new owners,
for a reasonable fee/retainer and after suitable financial/contractual
Cost of business, efficiency of scale and all that. Perhaps the bill
could even be sent to the previous owners.
Operationally, I dont see how the problem can be mitigated solely by
those who are already informed.
John Curran wrote:
Folks -
It appears that we have a real operational problem, in that ARIN
does indeed reissue space that has been reclaimed/returned after
a hold-down period, and but it appears that even once they are
removed from the actual source RBL's, there are still ISP's who
are manually updating these and hence block traffic much longer
than necessary.
I'm sure there's an excellent reason why these addresses stay
blocked, but am unable to fathom what exactly that is...
Could some folks from the appropriate networks explain why
this is such a problem and/or suggest additional steps that
ARIN or the receipts should be taking to avoid this situation?
John Curran
President and CEO
On Sep 8, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Ronald Cotoni wrote:
Tom Pipes wrote:
We obtained a direct assigned IP block from ARIN in
2008. This block has been cursed (for lack of a better word) since
we obtained it. It seems like every customer we have added has had
repeated issues with being blacklisted by DUL and the cable