Jason Bertoch wrote:
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
That said most of the larger players already attend MAAWG - that
leaves rural ISPs, small universities, corporate mailservers etc etc
that dont have full time postmasters, and where you're more likely to
run into this issue.
I've found the opposite to hold true more often. Smaller organizations can use public blacklists for free, due to their low volume, and so have little incentive to run their own local blacklist. I've typically seen the larger organizations run their own blacklists and are much more difficult to contact for removal.

Take for example GoDaddy's hosted email service. They are using a local, outdated copy of SORBS that has one of my personal servers listed in it. It was an open proxy for about week nearly 3 years ago and still they have it listed. The upside is that I've demonstrated GoDaddy's email incompetence to potential customers and gotten them to switch to our own mail services. Their loss, my gain.


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