John Curran wrote:
Folks -
It appears that we have a real operational problem, in that ARIN
does indeed reissue space that has been reclaimed/returned after
a hold-down period, and but it appears that even once they are
removed from the actual source RBL's, there are still ISP's who
are manually updating these and hence block traffic much longer
than necessary.
I'm sure there's an excellent reason why these addresses stay
blocked, but am unable to fathom what exactly that is...
Could some folks from the appropriate networks explain why
this is such a problem and/or suggest additional steps that
ARIN or the receipts should be taking to avoid this situation?
I don't think there is an excellent reason, more likely inertia and no
real incentive to put forth the effort to proactively remove addresses.
Many ISPs and organizations have their own private blocklists not
associated with the widely known DNSBLs. Typically during or
immediately after a spam run the mail administrator will manually add
offending addresses or netblocks. Spamtrap hits may do this
automatically. There isn't any real incentive for people to go back and
remove addresses unless they're notified by their own customers that
legitimate mail coming from those addresses is being blocked. Because
these blocklists are individually maintained, there is no central
registry or means to "clean them up" when an IP assignment changes.
To make matters worse, some organizations may simply ACL the IP space so
that the TCP connection is never made in the first place (bad, looks
like a network problem rather than deliberate filtering), some may drop
it during SMTP with no clear indication as to the reason (less bad, as
there is at least a hint that it could be filtering), and some may
actually accept the mail and then silently discard it (worst).
In addition there are several DNSBLs with different policies regarding
delisting. Some just time out after a period of time since abuse was
detected. Some require action in the form of a delisting request. Some
require a delisting request and a time period with no abuse. Some (the
old SPEWS list) may not be easily reached or have well defined policies.
In meatspace, once a neighborhood winds up with a reputation of being
rife with drive-by shootings, gang activity and drug dealing it may take
a long time after the last of the graffiti is gone before some cab
drivers will go there.
Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering -
Impulse Internet Service -
Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV