MAAWG's changing that - and most of the large ISPs are maawg members.
Things can get better, sure ...


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Jason Bertoch<> wrote:
> Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
>> That said most of the larger players already attend MAAWG - that
>> leaves rural ISPs, small universities, corporate mailservers etc etc
>> that dont have full time postmasters, and where you're more likely to
>> run into this issue.
> I've found the opposite to hold true more often.  Smaller organizations can
> use public blacklists for free, due to their low volume, and so have little
> incentive to run their own local blacklist.  I've typically seen the larger
> organizations run their own blacklists and are much more difficult to
> contact for removal.

Suresh Ramasubramanian (

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