On Tue, Dec 24, 2024 at 8:26 AM Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:

> In the articles I've read and videos I've watched, they have mentioned
> varying amounts of reduced power. I didn't commit them to memory because
> that wasn't the part I was interested in at the moment.
I'd think that, especially as data rates climb, the power consumption is
going to really get important fast.
When a single device requires ~50kw to run ... I think you'll want to make
sure you have space/power to deal with that :(

I'm not sure that distributed fabric plans make that problem better? (maybe
it's all the same problem in the end because the fabric interconnect is
going to be distance limited/etc too)

> Management of the things is a big thing I've been concerned about going
> into more modern systems. So often there's hand waiving regarding the
> orchestration piece of non-traditional systems. From what I've seen (and I
> would love to be wrong), you either build it in-house (not a small lift) or
> you buy something that ends up taking away all of the cost advantages that
> path had.
You almost certainly get into (pretty quickly) something that smells a
bunch like:
  "here's my pile of ansible recipes for...."
  (choice of ansible here for example only, s/ansible/<whatever>/ of course
to whatever you feel like)

That's maybe fine if that's your jam? I think it's hard to
reason/plan/build without some automation plan 'now',
and it looks like a ton of folk start without that then try to retrofit
once: "omg this is very large now... ugh" happens.
  (1-10 devices? sure fine do it by hand, 5-><bunches more> you really
ought to have had an automation plan at ~5 ... my opinion clearly)

> Failure domain stuff is part of what I'm trying to learn more about, which
> goes back to more about the fundamentals of how the fabric works.
yea... This part(reasoning about failure domains) I assume is also a tad
A scenario is:
  "I built this 200tb fabric, I interconnect to the outside with ~100T max
and internally with ~100T"
now that ~100T breaks and (ideally!) everything on the outside re-routes
around to a different front-door... oops are you prepared for an extra
~100T arriving?
How do you deal with parts (fabric parts) failing in part? "oops only 50T
of my 100T can get through here and ... I also am still telling my external
neighbors all's good"

Really that failure-domain problem is tightly linked to the 'manage a ton
of things' problem too.. at least for containing damage in a quick manner.

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