Le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 12:51 -0700, kris foster a écrit :
> On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:35 PM, Michael Hallgren wrote:
> > Le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 12:05 -0400, Sandy Murphy a écrit :
> >> This message is sent to the whole nanog list, rather than the
> >> nanog-attendees list,
> >
> > How come there is a nanog-attendees list disjunct from the nanog list.
> > Wouldn't it be natural to broadcast any kind of content to the
> > entire community?
> nanog-attendees is intended to be used for social and specific  
> conference related topics. Topics discussed at the conference with  
> operational relevance should be here on the main list.
> If anyone feels the need to follow up on the nanog-attendees/nanog  
> distinction, please do so on nanog-futures.
> Thanks!
> Kris
> MLC Chair

Thanks MLC Chair, so will be.


michael hallgren, mh2198-ripe

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