Le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 12:05 -0400, Sandy Murphy a écrit :
> This message is sent to the whole nanog list, rather than the
> nanog-attendees list,

How come there is a nanog-attendees list disjunct from the nanog list.
Wouldn't it be natural to broadcast any kind of content to the
entire community?



>  as I'm not sure who would be watching that
> list when the conference is over.
> I stood up to ask a question at the end of Mark Koster's presentation 
> yesterday, but before I got to the end of the table, he was being applauded
> and leaving the stage.  I must be too short.
> The presentation said that ARIN would be doing a lot of work to
> improve the IRR.  The last I asked, the ARIN IRR did not support the
> RPSS (Routing Policy System Security - RFC2725).  RIPE supports this,
> I know.  Will the ARIN improvements include support for RPSS?

Interesting, yes.

> The presentation talked about the RPKI pilot, and Mark said that
> ARIN would be using the RIPE code.  I believe RIPE has or had a couple
> different attempts at this, so I'm not sure what features the code
> you use will have.  Will you have the ability to hand certs to ISPs
> so that they can do their own cert generation for the allocations
> they hand to their own customers?  I.e., is ARIN going to run a
> service just for its members, or will it enable its members to
> participate in the RPKI themselves?

As well.

> --Sandy


michael hallgren, mh2198-ripe

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